Hello, writers!

If you’re anything like I used to be, you might have toiled alone for a long time writing your novel. Finally, that task is behind you. Your manuscript is in your hands, but you’re unsure whether it’s ready for querying. You need an unbiased, expert opinion on what works and what doesn’t in your story and how to fix it. You need someone who can pinpoint the strong as well as the weak areas in your novel and can guide your final edits before you send it to agents. A friend or relative can’t do that, and not every author belongs to a writing group or has a circle of writer friends who could provide a critical reading.

This is where I come in.

Why choose me?

I have spent several years writing and editing fiction in fan environments where I discovered that I was particularly adept at giving advice on a story level; what one would call development editing. The big picture. I put it down to my decades of avid reading, which have provided me with an in-depth, almost instinctive understanding of story structure, pacing and story/character development. I have also studied English Language and Literature and am well-versed in grammar as well as literary devices. I know stories; I know how they work, and I know when they don’t and why.

I read widely, but my main areas of interest are literary, contemporary lit, speculative fiction and romance, adult or YA. I’m not the best fit for you if you write picture books, poetry collections, non-fiction, sports or military stories, or memoirs.


What I’m offering:

I offer an editorial analysis of plot and character development, pacing, and story structure. I will give you my opinion as a reader and my suggestions on how to enhance your story as an editor. I might correct spelling and punctuation, but please bear in mind that my focus will be the story elements rather than proofreading.

My prices:

Standard Critique   0,01 euros per manuscript word

I will focus on the big picture: plot, pacing, characters and character arcs, world-building and setting. I will not work on sentence or paragraph level, prose, punctuation or grammar. You'll receive an editorial letter analysing strengths and weaknesses with suggestions for improvement and a short consultation before and after.

My turnaround time is one week per 20,000 words.

Full Critique     0,022 euros per manuscript word

I will focus on big picture elements (characters, plot, pacing, worldbuilding) but will also pay attention to language, including prose, syntax, dialogue, or lexical use. You'll receive sidebar comments , an editorial letter with suggestions for improvement, and a consultation before and after.

Turnaround time is two weeks per 20,000 words.

Please note that I'm not available for work on manuscripts over 60,000 words until January 2022.

My ideal working environment is Google Docs. The consultations involve a short chat with you via an online platform of your choice before I start work on the manuscript and a chat after the critique has been sent to you to discuss the suggestions and edits.

Editing is a collaborative experience; I learn from you as much as you learn from me. Clear communication is vital, and sometimes editors and authors click, whereas other times they simply don’t. Because of this, prior to working on a full manuscript or a very long partial one (over 30,000 words), I offer a One Chapter Critique at 0,015 euros per word as a way to ensure that we are a good fit for each other. If you decide to hire me for the whole manuscript, I won't charge you again for this chapter.

The small print:

Payments will go through PayPal. You will need to pay the PayPal fee as well.

For manuscripts up to 35,000 words and the One Chapter Critique, payment is required in full when the pages are sent. For manuscripts over 35,000 words, half the payment will be due upon sending pages and the other half will be due when your critique is completed. I will notify you once I’ve completed my editing and I will send my notes to you upon receiving final payment.

Rest assured, your work will remain private and confidential. I will never reproduce your words without your written permission or steal your ideas. If your manuscript does happen to be similar to my works in progress, I will refrain from working on it.

For more details, please contact me via email.


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I write fantasy and dark fairytales inspired by folklore, religion and mythology. In my free time, I try to get through my never-ending TBR pile.